Veterans Affairs eLearning training homepage
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To create an account, register here.

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WEBSITE UPDATE: You will now need to log into your account at   Please be sure to update any bookmarks you may have saved on your computer.

Welcome to CriticalPoint's home of best-in-class healthcare education.  Our mission is to improve patient safety by raising the competency of healthcare professionals through convenient, high-quality training.


For persons registering for the first time: 

  1. Click on the Register Here link to your right to begin the enrollment process.  
  2. Enter in the information required (*) including creating your own username and password. 
  3. You MUST enter the Registration Code provided you to get enrolled in the training Courses. Without the code you will only create an account - no Courses.
  4. Click on Save Changes to completed this process. 
  5. Please note that it may take 1 - 2 minutes for the Courses to appear in your account and may require you to refresh or log out and log back in.  Be patient.

For persons who need to update their accounts with their e-Profile only: 

  1. Login to your account.
  2. Click on the My Profile icon
  3. Click on the Other tab on the left side
  4. Enter your eProfile #, your Birth Month and Day (MMDD) and select your job role
    1. If there is no data in the Registraiton code box then enter an X - otherwise you will not be able to save your updates as this is a required field.
  5. Click on Save

If your CE hours are not appearing in your CPE Monitor account please email with your name, your eProfile #, your birth month and day (MMDD) and your job role (Pharmacist or Technician) and we will re-submit those hours. Please allow 5 business days for your request to be processed.


For additional information visit or contact us by e-mail: or phone: 973-256-6500. Support is available 8am - 5pm EST, Monday - Friday.

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